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Ayahuasca Ceremonies

Central Brazil, February 2025 

When, Where, What and Why


today  WHEN: 10th to 16th February 2025

place WHERE: At Claudia and Mark's Shamanic Centre in Alto Paraiso de Goias, in the Heart of Brazil

place WHAT: This is an Ayahuasca retreat facilitated by Indigenous people. The retreat will also include: Wisdom and Knowledge exchange, Rapeh and Sananga circle, medicinal plant baths, song circles and traditional artcrafts.

Visits to breathtaking waterfalls and renowned UFO sites in Alto Paraíso are also included. Booking in advance is recommended. This is a one-week event, but you are welcome to stay as long as you'd like, as Alto Paraíso has much to offer.

today WHY: This is an opportunity to work more in depth with the 3 elders and the young musician who visited us in Scotland in 2023 and work freely with the Sacred medicine.

Our work: creating connections and sharing wisdom

Participating in a indigenous ayahuasca ceremony facilitated by indigenous Shamans is a profoundly experience, as they carry the wisdom and cultural heritage passed down through generations. These ceremonies are much more then just drinking a plant medicine; they are sacred rituals that require the deep knowledge of the guardians and traditional healers, shamans, and elders who understand not only the power of ayahuasca but also the spiritual, emotional, and energetic realms it connects to.

Ayahuasca ceremonies guided by indigenous shamans go beyond physical healing—they offer a path to inner transformation, helping us confront and heal from deep emotional, psychological, and even ancestral wounds. The shamans serve as navigators through this intense journey, using their understanding of the plants, songs, sacred indigenous wisdom and spiritual energies to create a safe and transformative space. Their presence is essential for ensuring that the healing is holistic, deeply integrated, and guided by ancient wisdom that goes far beyond the plant itself.

This type of healing is a journey that calls for respect, intention, and skilled guidance. Without the spiritual leadership of indigenous shamans, the process risks being incomplete. They help people connect with the natural world, their inner selves, and the profound energies of the plant, making the journey both meaningful and deeply transformative.

It is a rare and remarkable occasion to engage with their most ancient tradition and honor their contributions to our collective journey of healing and transformation.

In this transformative gathering we come together in unity, reverence, and gratitude. It is also a great opportunity for us to learn, grow, and strengthen the bonds of global kinship.

Stay tuned and join us for this highly anticipated event in Brazil.


Meet our teachers:

Maná Madhá

Maná has received from his own people, the name of "Santo" (Saint), what already tells us much about his noble mission on the service of healing.

Maná has received a traditional training that very few shamans [pajés] have today. He possesses an extraordinary knowledge of plants and a technique of spiritual healing that allows him in some cases to bring the disease into his mouth and materialize it into small stones that he then spits out.

Well known for his healing gifts, Maná is a great master when it comes to healing of a spiritual nature, being a "complete shaman", both in terms of physical and spiritual matters.


Ratsuhá Madhá

Ratsuhá also has received a traditional training that very few healers have today. Ratsuhá is a birth specialist having attended the birth of approximately 2,800 babies and also a plant specialist. She works together with her husband Maná in the healing arts according to the Madhá tradition.

Vêsku Yawanawá

Vêsku resides in the village of the Apurinã people through marriage and has devoted her life to preserving and promoting the culture of indigenous communities across various states in Brazil, with a special focus on empowering women and revitalizing the use of medicinal plants. As the eldest daughter of the esteemed leader Raimundo Luiz Tuimkuru, Vêsku carries on a rich legacy of healing. Her grandfather, a renowned healer, passed down to her deep memory and love for medicinal plants, ensuring that this wisdom continues to thrive.

She is part of the Sitoakore Women's Organization, having organized innumerous events to exchange indigenous knowledge between 18 indigenous nations, thus witnessing and learning various healing knowledge with the use of oils, plants, trunks, leaves and roots.

Vesku has also developed a healing centre, the IRPY Instituto Runyn Pupykary Yawanawá, a medicinal plant pharmacy and a seed bank. She is a specialist in childbirth and an apprentice to healing and the use of medicinal plants.


Runuiná Yawanawá

Runuiná carries in his name the mystery of great healing beings of the forest. Grandson of a great leadership Raimundo Luiz Tuimkuru, he is the son of Vesku Yawanawá and Antônio Apurinà, two great leaders within the indigenous movement in Brazil.

He is an apprentice of Maná Madhá and did diet guided by Biraci Nixiwaká and his aunt Putanny in the Holy Village (Aldeia Sagrada). Runu is a very talented musician with a unique voice, bringing songs from a very deep Yawanawá root.


Acknowledgement by Cláudia & Mark:

In heartfelt remembrance, we would like to honor and acknowledge the revered elder Tatá Txanu Natasheni (Tatá Yawanawá), who has transitioned to the Spirit World. Tatá served as a profound bridge, connecting Brazil and Scotland in 2016. With his wisdom and radiant spirit, Tatá, at the age of 104, touched the hearts of many. It was his guiding spirit that led us back to the Amazon, igniting a deep commitment to support the indigenous communities through the Indigenous projects initiated by the Planetary Healing Centre and the Edinburgh Shamanic Centre. Tatá's legacy continues to inspire our work, and we hold his beautiful soul in eternal gratitude.

What Cláudia and Mark say:

Since 2016, we have had the privilege of meeting, visiting, and working with Shaman Maná, Ratsuhá, Vesku, and Runuiná. We've always wanted to share these meaningful experiences with the people of Scotland and others from around the world.

It was both exciting and a deep honor to welcome them to Scotland in September 2023, where they shared their wisdom. Now, we are equally thrilled that they will be joining us for the inauguration of our Shamanic Centre in Alto Paraíso de Goiás, Brazil.